Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Publishing Charge Offer to BRM and ECE

Hello Guys,

In my previous post(create charge offer in PDC) ,we have seen how to create charge offer in PDC and the same has been published to BRM and ECE.

In this post ,let us understand how the created charge offer "Test" is published to BRM and ECE.

RRETransformationEngine : This transformation engine is responsible for publishing the "Test" charge offer to BRM database by calling the loadpricelist utility.

PricingUpdater : This process is responsible for publishing the "Test" charge offer to ECE Cache.

CustomerUpdater : When we validate and submit the "Test" Charge offer from PDC GUI,first it will be synched to ECE cache with empty externalId.

This process is responsible for fetching the "Test" product poid from BRM and populating the externalId in ECE Cache.

In my next Post,let us discuss about ImportExport utility in Oracle PDC.

Please share your feedback and queries if any in comments section.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Charge Offer in PDC

Hello Guys,

In this post ,let us see how we can create a charge offer using Oracle PDC.

Before that let us understand what is PDC and its use in a single line.

"PDC is called as Oracle Pricing Design Center which can be used for configuring pricing information".

Open the PDC GUI and click on Create Charge Offer

1)Charge Offer: In Oracle BRM,Charge offer is termed as Product.

Give the name of the charge offer and select type of charge offer and applicable service type.

I have created a charge offer with name "test" of type "subscription" and with service "Telephony".
Refer to below screenshot

2) Rate Plan: In Oracle BRM,RatePlan is termed as Charge.

Create a charge by clicking on Add Charge button as shown below:

3)Balance Impact:I have created a balance impact of 1USD for every 60 seconds.

4) Validation :Click on validate button,so that it will come to work space as shown below:

5)Submission :Click on Validate and submit ,so that the created charge offer(Test) will be created in BRM and ECE.

6)BRM :Check in BRM database by using query

select * from product_t where name ='Test';

7)ECE : Check in ECE Cache by connecting to as shown below:

CohQL> select * from ChargeOffering where value().get().name='Test';
Versions {19=
, id='c4a5520c-7103-426f-80b0-1ee796d1111f
, name=Test
, externalId=12745553
, validityInterval=Interval{start=1970-01-01T00:00Z, end=+292278994-08-17T07:12:55.807Z}
, assignedTo='TelcoGsmTelephony
, priority =0
, offerProfile =null
, offerProfileName =
taxSupplierId : 0

In ECE Cache,externalId value is BRM product poid and id value is pdc correlation  value.

In the next Post,let us see which processes are used to publish the "Test" charge offer to BRM and ECE.

Please share your feedback and queries if any in comments section.